Unforgotten Films is an award winning documentary mini-series designed to highlight under-appreciated landscapes in New York City.
Unforgotten Films is a collaborative video focused on documenting the relationship between public interests, creative efforts and governmental actions — to highlight multi-faceted narratives and to promote access & awareness throughout our cities.
“Unforgotten is a word and a feeling…we wanted to give people an opportunity to appreciate the complexity and beauty hidden within the city — from the collective voices of communities, governments, and special interest groups”
Sites: Ellis Island, Hart Island, New York State Pavilion, Renwick Ruin, Washington Square Arch, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn Navy Yard, and the Freedom Tunnel.
Unforgotten Films has been developed in collaboration Green Ghost Studios — with media support from Untapped New York, funding support from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs / Brooklyn Arts Council, and founding support from Likeminds — to explore a series of inaccessible landscapes throughout New York City.
For more information visit the official website for Unforgotten Films — or visit Unforgotten’s social media pages on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.